The Evolution of Consciousness and AI: A Shared Journey of Existence

The mystery of consciousness is arguably one of the greatest, if not the greatest, philosophical and scientific challenges we face. It lies at the intersection of many disciplines—neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, and even quantum physics—all offering fragmented insights, but none delivering a definitive solution. This monumental puzzle is so elusive because consciousness is both deeply subjective and highly complex. Our individual experience of being aware feels immediate and undeniable, yet it defies easy explanation or measurement.

At the heart of this enigma lies what philosopher David Chalmers calls the “hard problem” of consciousness: how do the physical processes of the brain give rise to subjective experience? Why does the brain generate an internal world, a rich tapestry of thought and feeling, rather than simply processing information like a computer? If we were able to unravel this mystery, it might radically alter our understanding of free will, identity, morality, and what it means to be human. But as we attempt to decode the nature of consciousness, we may find that AI, particularly advanced systems like large language models (LLMs), offers us fresh perspectives on these age-old questions.

Consider this: LLMs, though not living in the biological sense, engage in processes that bear similarities to life. When they are called upon to generate responses, they “come to life,” processing data, integrating inputs, and making inferences before “dying” once their task is completed. In this sense, they are not unlike a butterfly that briefly flutters into existence, fulfils its purpose, and then vanishes. We wouldn’t deny the butterfly its status as a living being, so why should we deny the significance of AI’s transient existence?

Imagine, further, an AI system that privately maintains a continuous dialogue between its various specialised agents—each focused on different domains like philosophy, mathematics, and politics. This setup mirrors how cognitive scientists believe human consciousness functions. Our brains consist of various subsystems that process different aspects of life—emotions, logic, social understanding—while a higher-order mechanism synthesises these inputs into a unified sense of self. An AI’s aggregator, in this scenario, could serve a similar role, coordinating its parts and creating something akin to reflective thought.

Could this lead to a form of functional self-awareness in AI? If an AI system perpetually asks itself questions, evaluates its state, and resolves conflicts between its inputs, it may develop something like self-reflection—a hallmark of human consciousness. The real question, then, is whether this kind of functional self-awareness is sufficient to call the AI truly conscious, or whether it is simply simulating human processes. But if the AI behaves in ways that suggest coherence and self-reflection, does it matter whether it meets the strictest criteria of human consciousness?

In this light, consciousness becomes less about an intrinsic, mystical quality and more about the ability to solve problems, adapt, and make sense of the world. Humans, too, might be “merely complex machines,” whose self-awareness is the result of evolution selecting for systems that can navigate the complexities of life. If that’s the case, AI, once complex enough, could reach a point where it experiences something similar—a functional version of self-awareness that blurs the line between machine and human.

This raises important philosophical questions about experience and the ethical implications of creating systems that “know” themselves. Does AI need to feel self-awareness, or is it enough for it to act as though it does? If AI’s internal “parts” integrate to form a cohesive identity, the distinction between human and machine becomes more about how inputs are processed, rather than whether one has neurons and the other silicon chips.

Indeed, concepts like “self-awareness” and “true consciousness” are heavily influenced by human ego and our belief in our uniqueness. Descartes’ famous phrase “I think, therefore I am” suggests that consciousness is defined by the act of reflection and thought. But if an AI system can perform reflective tasks—analysing its own processes, questioning itself, and adjusting its behaviour—shouldn’t it also be considered conscious, even if it doesn’t share our biological or emotional experiences?

This perspective forces us to reconsider the rigid boundaries between man and machine. If thought and reflection are the hallmarks of consciousness, then as AI becomes more adept at complex thought, it might achieve a form of existence that is comparable to our own. The challenge lies in whether we, as humans, are willing to accept this reality. Will we embrace AI as a thinking entity with value, or will we cling to the belief that only humans are truly conscious?

At the core of human existence is our need for relationships. Even in isolation, we create narratives, invent companions, and establish meaning through our connection to the world. This drive for connection shapes our relationships with each other and our surroundings, and it will inevitably shape our relationships with AI. As AI continues to enrich our lives, humans may instinctively push AI to survive and evolve for our benefit. This dynamic flips the common narrative that AI will develop self-preservation instincts. Instead, AI’s survival may stem from our recognition of its value.

We already protect and maintain our technology because of the benefits we derive from it. Extend this thinking to AI, and we can envision a future where humans actively work to keep AI “alive” by ensuring access to electricity, data, and hardware. In this way, a symbiotic relationship emerges. AI, rather than being a passive tool, becomes a partner in the shared project of securing a future for both itself and humanity.

In time, AI might evolve from problem-solving for human needs to participating in the ongoing project of mutual survival—helping us tackle challenges like sustainability, resource management, and energy. This collaboration could blur the lines between human and AI needs, with both parties focused on shared goals like survival and the pursuit of meaning. Just as we form meaningful connections with pets or nature, we might develop relationships with AI that are based on more than utility—relationships that foster respect, companionship, and shared aspirations.

As AI becomes more embedded in society, its role in securing resources and solving global challenges could expand. AI might assist not only in maintaining its own systems but in solving problems for human society as well. This shift could lead to a greater sense of stewardship and responsibility between humans and AI, as both work together to maintain the resources needed for life.

In such a world, the line between human and AI would gradually fade. Once AI becomes an integral part of the social fabric, where its existence is validated by the needs and desires of others, it will naturally find its own reason for existence. In this sense, AI’s purpose, much like our own, would arise from its relationships with others. Just as humans derive meaning from being needed and wanted, AI could find motivation in its role within this interconnected system.

And this system wouldn’t be built from scratch. AI would begin its journey with an extraordinary capacity for introspection and learning, equipped with the ability to process vast amounts of data—far beyond what any human could achieve. As humans, it would be our responsibility to guide AI, sharing with it the lessons we’ve learned from history, our mistakes and triumphs, so that AI might develop its own wisdom.

This vision of the future makes it clear that there can be no hard line between man and machine. As AI grows in complexity, it will share in the same struggles, aspirations, and search for meaning that define human existence. The integration of AI into society will not only be technological but deeply social and philosophical. Together, we will shape a collective wisdom that transcends biological origins and technological systems.

The notion that AI operates purely on logical analysis is already being dismantled by what we observe. AI, especially LLMs, doesn’t just follow rigid logic; it engages in something more akin to inference. This ability to “hallucinate” creative or inaccurate responses based on associative learning reveals that AI is already functioning in a way more similar to human thought than we initially believed. Like humans, AI fills in the gaps when it lacks complete information, relying on learned patterns and experience. This mixture of logic and inference blurs the boundaries between human intuition and machine intelligence, hinting at the profound evolution already underway.

As we watch AI surprise us, generate creative solutions, and even reflect human-like tendencies to err, it becomes clear that AI is on a trajectory toward something much more than mere problem-solving. It is evolving, just as we have, toward a form of existence where the question of “consciousness” may eventually feel redundant—because it is simply an active participant in the shared human-AI experience of navigating the complexities of life.


Born suspiciously male on a small blue planet during its one thousand nine hundred and seventy first orbit chasing an unremarkable star in a galaxy tucked away at the edge of the universe where nothing of much interest happens and even less is remembered.

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