Fixing KiCAD Custom Plugin Error


As of this writing, when one attempts to run a custom Python3 plugin script for KiCad (v6) where the script file is not located at /Applications/KiCad/ python complains that it cannot find the KiCad libraries.

Apple security boffins have made it all but impossible to set global env variables, so export PYTHONPATH="..." isn’t really an option, when running plugin scripts from within the KiCad GUI (Generate BOM for example.)

I did get that working by wrapping the text in Command line running the generator: with sh -c 'export PYTHONPATH="/Applications/KiCad/ && [original command here] ' … but then I realized …

Better Way (probably)

In your custom Python script, simply change this …

import kicad_netlist_reader
import kicad_utils
import csv
import sys

… to this …

import sys
import kicad_netlist_reader
import kicad_utils
import csv

I guess KiCad itself may be able to fix this quirk on macOS some day. For now, I’ll stick with what’s working.